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Accessorize Like A Pro
How To Accessorize Like A Pro?
Let me paint you an idyllic picture of any glamour magazine recognized internationally. This is setting a true example of fashion eliteness. Professional supermodels around the world, all attired in boujee designers. However, being a minimal part of the masterpiece, people sometimes tend to forget the little detail of the accessory. Nevertheless, the impact is…
Pixie Cut hairstyle
4 Summer Fashion Trends for Your Hair
Many of us would admit we weren't looking our best during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. But with summer here, and life returning to a new normal, it's time for a hairstyle reboot. Discover what 'do feels right for you. Soft Summer Waves This season's waves are more bendy than beachy. The softer, glam vibe…
Lisa Catherine Alexander Biography
Lisa Catherine Alexander and LAFACE Skincare
Lisa Catherine Alexander is one of the famous fashion designers of America and co-founder of beauty and cosmetics brand LAFACE skincare. Many of you might be unaware of LAFACE skincare which is one of the famous skincare lines being operated in San Francisco, CA. Here in this blog, we are going to share some unknown…
Remodeling home
Things You Should Know Before Remodeling Your House
People remodel their homes for different reasons: to improve their value, fix a safety issue, modernize the home, or add more space, among others. Ultimately, remodeling is a big project that requires planning and designing, building regulations permits, and construction by a professional. This is just a sneak peek of the things you should know…