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Fashionable on a Budget
3 Ways to Be Fashionable on a Budget
There are people out there who never wear the same outfit twice. Think of the scandal in the fashion news years ago when Helena Bonham Carter wore the very same plaid dress not just on two, but three separate occasions. Three functions, same dress. Scandalous! Actually, I admit the whole affair made me like Helena…
What is Vaping Or E-Cigarette?
What is Vaping? Facts, Risks & More
There is still a prejudice among people that vaping in terms of danger to human health is comparable to smoking regular cigarettes or even exceeds them. Recent studies indicate that vaping is much safer than cigarettes because it does not use tobacco at its core. The process of obtaining nicotine by humans is not associated…
water based foundation
10 Best Lightweight Water Based Foundations
The days of using the cake foundation are behind us. Ladies prefer using water-based foundations because they are lightweight and they offer a natural finish. If you do makeup regularly, you will find them super easy to use especially on dehydrated skin. Most water based foundations are oil-free making them a great option if you…
Necklaces To Wear at Work
5 Types Of Necklaces To Wear at Work
Accessories are an easy way to change the entire look of an outfit and make you feel pulled together. One of the easiest ways to add individual style to your office basics is by wearing a necklace. By taking a little time to pick out the right pieces, you can make your work wardrobe feel…
What are Solar Nails
What Are Solar Nails? Benefits and Usage
Solar nails are all the rage among ladies these days. If you have a thing for artificial nails, you would like to learn more about these. Well-groomed and manicured nails are considered an asset by many women. Artificial nails are mostly formed of acrylic and gel. Solar nails are a type of acrylic nails too…
Hair Therapy
Taking A Look at the Top Keranique Hair Therapy
There is nothing more satisfying than waking up and your hair has decided it wants to co-operate, I mean women all around the world will be nodding their heads in agreement when they read this that a good hair day sets the mood. As someone who has pretty decent hair, thick, healthy and grows reasonably…