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Makeup Tips for Close Set Eyes
7 Eye Makeup Tips For Close Set Eyes
Wide eyes have a magnetic charm that attracts attention and brings sensuality to the look. In fact, a lot of girls dream of having the eyes of Mila Kunis or Amanda Seyfried? Do not fret girls; if you have close-set eyes, then flaw-hiding eye makeup is ready to come to the rescue to celebrate your shape! But…
abc diet plan
What is ABC Diet Plan and Its Results?
ABD Diet – the name sounds a bit weird but its results are promising. It’s a method of tricking your metabolism into burning more fat without starving. How does it work, what diet plan are you supposed to follow, and what are the side effects; tag along to get answers to all these questions. What…
Get Mascara out of Clothes
How to Get Mascara out of Clothes?
Makeup lovers don’t miss any chance to not apply makeup and despite having waterproof makeup we are still facing hard stain issues. Have you ever gotten into the problem where mascara or foundation is difficult to stain out? Well, it has been seen in majority cases and we are here to help you out to…
outdoor sports
Top Outdoor Sports To Try This Year
Sports can either be partaken competitively or for recreational purposes. Engaging actively in sports is good for both mental and physical well-being. In this article, we are going to discuss various outdoor recreational sports you can enjoy with your family and friends. Tennis  Don’t you just love seeing tennis players getting into the tennis court…