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How to Pamper Your Skin & Hair
6 Secrets: How to Pamper Your Skin & Hair
Modern beauty industry offers today a lot of tempting care and anti-aging programs. In most cases, these programs work, and sometimes you need to be pampered with salon procedures. But, you see, it is not cheap at all. To keep yourself in good order, you can do something for yourself and at home. There are…
Makeup Rules
Top 12 Makeup Rules Needs to Follow
Everyone knows that makeup can do wonders.  It can do wonders on women skin and can spoil her. It’s imperative to know the rules of makeup.  In this blog, I am going to let you know some basic instructions that we need to follow for flawless makeup. The rules of makeup consist of how to…
gut health
The Impact of Fasting on Your Gut
Known as the second brain of your body, your gut is often overlooked. Your gut and brain are connected with neurons, hormones, and chemicals. There are friendly bacteria which plays a significant role in the connection between your brain and the stomach. It has been noted that the practice of fasting can improve the health…
10 Cool & Stylish Huawei P20 Pro Cases
Almost everyone has a mobile phone today. The irresistibility of smartphones has made the mobile phone industry massive, and this business is dominated by some multinational companies as well as multiple start-ups. Mobile phones are expensive items that must be taken care of properly. With the increasing demand for smartphones, it is also necessary to…
Tips For Healthy Hair
10 Proven Tips For Healthy Hair
Who else don't want to have healthy & long shiny hair? This is an ultimate wish of every girl to strengthen their hairs with top home remedies and by following simple hair care routine.  Everyone is so busy in their hectic schedules and they don't have time for lengthy procedures. Make sure whatever you apply…
Get rid of lip Wrinkles
How to Get rid of lip Wrinkles?
There are plenty of tips on how to remove age and facial wrinkles around the lips. Someone prefers homemade remedies, someone practicing special physical exercises and gymnastics of the facial muscles, some trusted the doctors. On the features of the most popular ways to combat wrinkles around the lips will discuss in this article. But first, let…